

        Peter Higgins


Bachelor of Science

Chartered Engineer

Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers



Peter Higgins is one of the founding directors of pdConsult, a consultancy organisation providing strategic advice, contract procurement, management and dispute resolution services to the construction industry. He has a background in civil engineering, building and landscape with working experience in the UK, Africa, Europe and in the Middle and Far East.

He initially worked in the design office on a variety of highways and bridge schemes. Subsequently he had several years experience on construction sites. These included work on a major bridge and approach road contract in Cambridge, UK, and a motorway contract in Surrey. He then held appointments as Project Manager and Project Director on a wide range of engineering projects in Nigeria, Oman, Malaysia and UK. Peter has been responsible for the worldwide civil engineering work of a major UK consultancy and now provides a contract advisory service to the construction industry.

Since 1976, Peter has been involved in determining contract strategy, advising on contract preparation and procurement processes and advising on contract administration. Since 1976, Peter has been involved in determining contract strategy, advising on contract preparation and procurement processes and advising on contract administration. Much of Peter’s current work is advising international funding agencies and major public sector clients on procurement policy and implementation. Often with legal teams, he has worked closely with clients in developing contracts based on the NEC system and developing procurement strategy. He has given lectures in many countries on contract issues and has published papers on contracts and on ethics in construction.


Peter was Chairman of the New Engineering Contract Panel for the Institution of Civil Engineers and now chairs their NEC4 Board. He has been involved in the development and implementation of NEC contracts since the initial preparation of these contract forms, and has provided advice and training to many contract users. Peter was a council member and subsequently was awarded honorary membership of the Society of Construction Law, and has served as a branch chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and as chairman of the ICE Dispute Resolution Panel.


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